Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon
TraffiCalm works with industry leaders to enhance pedestrian safety at mid-block crossings by implementing RRFBs.

Case Study
"Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons can increase motorist yielding rates up to 98%."
-Federal Highway Administration
An independent study done by the Federal Highway Administration found that RRFBs enhance conspicuity of pedestrians to drivers.
Easy to Install and Operate
Setup and effortlessly configure settings via our TC Connect app. No internet connection required, our mesh network gives you the ability to setup and program multiple units at once.

Ruggedized Electronics
All of our electronics, connections, and cables are potted and sealed, making them IP-67 Rated. Potting is when you encase the electronics in epoxy, to ensure they can withstand the harshest of environments.
In The Field

The rectangular rapid flashing beacon is the MUTCD's choice for pedestrian crossings.