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Pedestrian Safety

TraffiCalm offers a variety of proven solutions that reduce speeds and provide visibility and safety for pedestrians.

Traffic Calming

Mid-Block Crossings

Push-2-Cross systems eliminate the safety hazard of crosswalks between signalized intersections.

Curbing Speed

Radar Speed Signs act as a constant reminder to drivers to slow down in residential areas.

"Intersection lighting can reduce pedestrian crashes up to 42%"

-Federal Highway Administration

Case Study

Crosswalk Illuminator is designed to provide curbside visibility, making pedestrians more easily identifiable to drivers.

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In The Field

Lit when you are too

"...85% of WUI crashes respectively occurred on weekends, mid-block section of the road, and areas with no traffic control device..."

-Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine

Walking Under the Influence (WUI) poses a serious safety risk, impairing judgment and coordination, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Our Push-2-Cross system, paired with the Crosswalk Illuminator, enhances visibility for intoxicated pedestrians, especially effective in bar districts, casinos, and areas with frequent foot traffic.

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Our Solution

Push-2-Cross System

Push-2-Cross provides mid-block, pedestrian-controlled signaling to all drivers.


Crosswalk Illuminator

Crosswalk Illuminator spotlights the crosswalk landing for pedestrian visibility.


Radar Speed Signs

Radar Speed Signs effectively curb speeding, enhancing pedestrian safety.


Push to Cross

Push-2-Cross provides mid-block, pedestrian-controlled signaling to all drivers.  Used in conjunction with RRFBs, flashing LED sign systems, and other traffic calming solutions, it is an ideal solution for pedestrian safety.


Crosswalk Illuminator

TraffiCalm has developed a Crosswalk Illuminator that can easily be added to its Pedestrian Push-2-Cross Systems with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) and/or Flashing Pedestrian Crossing Signs.

Radar Speed Signs

Radar Speed Signs provide awareness to motorists that may not be focusing on their speed in high foot traffic areas.  By utilizing proven traffic calming techniques, we create a safer environment for pedestrians.



Technical Review of Pedestrian Safety Under Alcohol Influence: Insights from Tennessee

Pedestrian safety, particularly concerning individuals impaired by alcohol (WUI), presents a significant challenge in urban planning and traffic safety. Studies, including a comprehensive analysis of pedestrian crashes in Tennessee, highlight the increased risk of accidents and fatalities associated with WUI, underscoring the need for targeted safety interventions. Factors such as gender, age, higher posted speed limits, and nighttime conditions are positively associated with WUI incidents, necessitating solutions that address these specific risks.
