Overheight Warning
Height constraints represent a threat to personal and public property, often in the form of easily avoidable crashes due to negligence.
Our Solution

With our Flashing LED Signs, drivers can make informed, calculated decisions based on real-time information streamed from remotely placed sensors well in advance of the hazard.
The result is advanced warning to only the vehicles that present a danger to infrastructure.
The system alerts all drivers of approaching low clearance hazard which can be used in coordination with locally or wirelessly flashing Warning Signs.
Break Beam Sensor
Placed on opposite sides of the street, the advanced Infrared break beam detector wirelessly triggers LED rings to flash.

Waterproof Electronics
Efficient and ruggedized hardware work in extreme climates otherwise reserved for industrial grade equipment.

Turnkey solution that's easy to install and affordable to maintain long-term. Our mesh network makes for a simple, unified system.
"Ultimately, implementation of such systems could reduce vehicle-bridge collisions and prevent associated injuries and repair costs, prevent emergency bridge closures, and potentially prevent catastrophic bridge failures."
An independent study by the Joint Transportation Research Program found that the 'Z' beam pattern sensors we use offer superior reliability and environmental robustness at a reasonable cost.
Overheight System Components

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