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A community of traffic industry professionals working together to make roads safer.

Case Study: Effectiveness of Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs Volume

This review analyzes the impact of Radar Speed Signs (RSS) in school zones, showing significant vehicle speed reductions and improved safety. Covering findings from 43 publications, it highlights RSS's effectiveness in decreasing speeds by an average of 3.21 mph, enhancing pedestrian safety, especially for children. The study offers crucial insights for traffic safety strategies, emphasizing RSS's vital role in creating safer school environments.

Crash Modification Factors for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing Treatments

This comprehensive study explores the effectiveness of pedestrian safety enhancements, particularly Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), in reducing pedestrian-vehicle incidents across urban and suburban settings. Through detailed cross-sectional and before-after analyses, the article highlights the development of Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) for RRFBs and other treatments.

Evaluation of RRFB Implementation at Freeway Off-Ramps and Its Effectiveness on Wrong-Way Driving

This review explores the effectiveness of red Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) by TraffiCalm in mitigating wrong-way driving incidents on freeways. Highlighting a case study, it confirms that these advanced beacons significantly improve roadway safety by alerting and directing drivers effectively, reducing the likelihood of wrong-way accidents. TraffiCalm's solutions stand out for their innovative approach to traffic safety, offering reliable and technologically advanced options for road safety challenges.

Technical Review of Pedestrian Safety Under Alcohol Influence: Insights from Tennessee

Pedestrian safety, particularly concerning individuals impaired by alcohol (WUI), presents a significant challenge in urban planning and traffic safety. Studies, including a comprehensive analysis of pedestrian crashes in Tennessee, highlight the increased risk of accidents and fatalities associated with WUI, underscoring the need for targeted safety interventions. Factors such as gender, age, higher posted speed limits, and nighttime conditions are positively associated with WUI incidents, necessitating solutions that address these specific risks.

Enhancing Road Safety in Rural British Columbia: A Collaborative Success

In rural British Columbia, a collaborative effort between TraffiCalm, a traffic calming production company from North Idaho, and InterProvincial, a Surrey-based installation partner, has led to the successful deployment of an innovative curve warning system. This project aimed to enhance road safety by introducing an advanced warning sign, activated by smart radar technology, to alert drivers to dangerous curves ahead.

Case Study: Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) in Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian safety is a paramount concern for transportation agencies, especially at uncontrolled, marked crosswalks where traditional signage may be insufficient. To address this issue, the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) has emerged as a valuable tool to enhance pedestrian conspicuity and increase driver awareness.

Case Study: Systemic Approach to Prevent Wrong-Way Driving

This study proposes a comprehensive systemic approach to mitigate wrong-way driving incidents, particularly focusing on the typical profile of wrong-way drivers. The recommendations encompass various engineering countermeasures, considering factors such as signage, pavement markings, active warning signs, geometric modifications, and lighting. Statistical data and references to LED lighting and RRFB usage are integrated where applicable.

Case Study: Estimating the Crash Reduction of Flashing LED Stop Signs

In this article, we delve into a meticulous study conducted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation on the safety implications of flashing LED stop signs. Through detailed technical analysis, the study reveals a statistically significant 41.5% reduction in crashes, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of this innovative traffic control solution.
Radar Speed Sign

Traffic Calming Around Hotels

Any Need

Hotels are unique because they go through stages when they are busy and when they are inactive. During tourists seasons or when there is a conference in town, the hotels fill up quickly.

Traffic Calming in Winter Conditions

When Increased Traffic Risks Are Apparent

When it comes to winter driving, slowing down traffic is crucial. Not just for the safety of others but also to protect yourself.

Stop Signs are Ineffective at Traffic Calming

Conventional Stop Sign Drawbacks

It might strike some people that the obvious approach to dealing with aggressive drivers would be more stop signs. However, stop signs can simply aggravate the problem.

Traffic Calming Studies

Radar Speed Signs keep both drivers and pedestrians safe. By encouraging compliance with posted speed limits, the risk of collision is reduced, and the rate of fatalities as a result of collisions is decreased as well.

Using Traffic Calming Technology to Keep Airports Safe

Airport Traffic - Differences

When it comes to monitoring traffic in airports, the difficulties are different from almost any other busy area. With large amounts of people coming in and out, some of whom are international visitors, the challenges faced become unique.

Using a Traffic Calming Sign to Reduce Speeding

Common Speeding Areas

Some areas are much more common for speeding than others. Long stretches of highway tend to be an obvious choice for speeders, but so are places like large parking lots and garages. Even residential neighborhoods can become a target zone.

Using Radar Speed Signs to Protect Hospitals

Vulnerable Pedestrians

One of the areas with the most vulnerable pedestrians is hospital parking lots. With patients coming in and out, many of them in states of extreme anguish and moving slowly, the the potential for accidents increases.

Keeping Holiday Traffic Under Control

The Traffic Boom

Most people love public holidays because they associate them with good memories. But public holidays can be very difficult, especially for travelers.

Using Traffic Calming to Keep Large Events Safe

Surviving Large Event Traffic

If you have ever been to a large party you know what the atmosphere is like: people moving in groups, laughing and talking, constant movement, crowds coming and going constantly...

Keeping Traffic Calm In Work Areas

Where To Start

It is always important to keep traffic carefully controlled in work zones and when it comes to speed signs, the best place to begin is right at the beginning.